Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Top Three Defenses to Domestic Violence Charges in Florida
Domestic violence is one of the most serious crimes a family member can face in Florida. Many juries look unkindly on this offense, and those convicted can expect little sympathy from criminal courts in Florida. These factors highlight the need for targeted, effective defense strategies for defendants facing domestic violence allegations. Although several common… Read More »

Are Certain Calibers Banned in Florida?
Cartridges come in many different calibers, from the diminutive .17 HMR to the insane .950 JDJ. If you are a firearm enthusiast, you might be wondering whether it is legal to explore some of these larger calibers. The answer is somewhat confusing. As with so many other aspects of firearm legislation, you must consider… Read More »

When Can Police Search My Home for Drugs in Fort Lauderdale?
Police in Florida are only allowed to search a citizen’s home under very specific circumstances. If these requirements are not met, then they are not permitted to enter the home or search for prohibited substances – such as drugs. Any subsequent criminal charges that result from unconstitutional searches may be dismissed as a result,… Read More »

What Happens if I Defend Myself with a Gun that Doesn’t Belong to Me?
In life-or-death situations, victims often find themselves using weapons that may not belong to them in their defense. What happens after you successfully defend yourself with a weapon that isn’t yours? What happens if you use an illegal firearm? How does Florida deal with this type of situation, and what kind of consequences might… Read More »

What Happens if You Sell Xanax in Florida?
According to the Addictions Center, Xanax is one of the most popular drugs in the United States – with more prescriptions than any other psychiatric drug. Prescription rates continue to climb, and they have been increasing since 2008. Although it is possible to obtain Xanax through a legal medical prescription, many Florida residents also… Read More »

Could a Florida Domestic Violence Injunction Force Me to Give Up My Firearms?
Injunctions in Florida can force people to do many things, and these court orders are often connected with domestic violence allegations. The term “injunction” may be confusing for Florida residents, and many might be more familiar with the phrase “restraining order.” Most people understand that the main purpose of these court orders is to… Read More »

What Happens During a Domestic Violence Injunction Hearing in Florida?
If you are approaching an injunction hearing in Florida, this may seem like a daunting prospect. You might never have seen the inside of a courtroom, and you might have no idea what to expect. A typical injunction hearing is a high-stakes endeavor, and its outcome may affect your rights, your reputation, and your… Read More »

Florida Defendants Face Serious Consequences for Importing Animal Parts
Humans have been trading in animals for all of history, and vibrant economies have emerged around this market. One of the most bustling animal-trafficking economies rose up in ancient Rome, where there was a constant demand for exotic beasts for their never-ending games. Today, the demand for exotic animals and their various parts continues… Read More »

What Are the Penalties for Understating Payroll Figures in Florida?
Anyone with a modicum of business experience understands that there is an incentive to push expenses higher for tax purposes. This process can be perfectly legal with creative accounting measures, but what happens if you understate certain expenses in an unlawful manner? A recent case in Florida shows that when companies engage in this… Read More »

Interfering with Witnesses and Informants: The Consequences Are Real in Florida
Witnesses and informants can make or break criminal cases in Florida, and the authorities seek to protect these individuals in the most efficient way possible. Anyone who attempts to interfere with informants or witnesses faces serious consequences, and this is seen as an attack on the justice system itself. Recent cases in Florida highlight… Read More »