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Monthly Archives: August 2024


What Is the Penalty for Being a “Money Mule” in Florida?

By Haber Blank, LLP |

Most Florida residents are familiar with the term “drug mule,” but the term “money mule” appears less often. Acting as a money mule can lead to strict penalties in Florida – especially as numerous law enforcement agencies vow to crack down on this criminal behavior. If you have been accused of being a money… Read More »

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It Is Easier to Produce Child Pornography Than You Might Think

By Haber Blank, LLP |

When most Florida residents hear the term “child pornography,” they assume that the victims are always small children. However, it is important to remember that these laws protect all children in the Sunshine State – even those on the verge of adulthood. It may be easier to “produce” child pornography in Fort Lauderdale than… Read More »

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Can You Argue Self-Defense When Trespassing in Fort Lauderdale?

By Haber Blank, LLP |

You may have heard that Florida has some of the strongest self-defense laws in the nation. In the Sunshine State, people have the right to exercise deadly force when faced with deadly threats. However, it’s important to note that even in a stand-your-ground state like Florida, these rights have limits. There are some situations… Read More »

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Modifications That Can Make Your Firearms Illegal in Fort Lauderdale

By Haber Blank, LLP |

Many people in Florida enjoy modifying their firearms. Some might add sights, while others add different types of grips. Although many of these modifications are legal, some are not. It might be easier than you realize to unwittingly turn your legal firearm into an illegal variant. This issue is even more important in the… Read More »

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Your Right to a Speedy Trial in Fort Lauderdale

By Haber Blank, LLP |

Many Americans have never heard of the “right to a speedy trial.” However, this could prove to be an important factor in your upcoming criminal case in Fort Lauderdale. The criminal justice system is overwhelmed in Florida, and this is leading to serious delays in trial scheduling. Therefore, your right to a speedy trial… Read More »

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Common Assault Defenses in Fort Lauderdale

By Haber Blank, LLP |

In Florida, an assault is the same thing as a threat. People utter threats in Fort Lauderdale all the time, and “simple assault” is a common charge. However, simple assault is also relatively easy to defend, and many defense strategies may prove useful. Of course, the most appropriate defense strategy depends on your unique… Read More »

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